Last week, I was on a roll. I was coding, I was writing, I was crafting–I was getting shit done! Now……not so much. Today I’m finding it difficult to really get motivated. I’ve combed over some of the information that I needed to get through. (I.e. I pared down my bookmarked list of possible jobs from ~150 to ~30.) I took a nice long walk. (To do: Exercise. Check!) But what happened to that fire?! That passion?! That drive to get those other things on my list DONE?!
inspiration | inspəˈrāSHən | noun | 1 – the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative
Again, I’m going to blame it on my left-brain-ness. That “something creative” part is the hard part for my brain to recognize. I have my checklists and my boxes and arrows drawing out the Visio map for today; I just don’t see the creativeness in it—I don’t find it inspiring.
My accomplishments and productiveness today are nothing to sniff at, but I need to find something that motivates my crafty side. Where does a left-brain find inspiration? Where do you find inspiration?